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Price list of our services

Favorite packages


  • 10-15 hours per month
  • Basic campaign set up in Google Ads, Facebook, and Seznam Sklik
  • Localized campaigns, optimization, and evaluation
  • Promotion a limited number of products

Demo Img 1
Demo Img 1


  • 15 - 25h per month

  • advanced campaign set up and segmentation in up to 3 markets, A / B tests, evaluation, reporting

  • Unlimited number of products in all countries

  • Available custom graphics designs, which brings more creative options and better performance

  • Analysis and monitoring of competition in the local market

  • Supervision of the SEO + SEO management as part of your monthly budget

  • Regular UX site analysis (user-friendliness)

  • Option to edit feeds for better performance (custom labels, ABC product division)


  • 25-100 hours per month

  • advanced campaign set up and segmentation in up to 10 markets, A / B tests, evaluation, reporting

  • Unlimited number of products in all countries

  • Custom graphics + cameraman available, giving you more creative options and therefore better performance

  • Analysis and monitoring of competition in all markets

  • SEO site supervision in all language versions (output is a list of recommendations or your own executive within the budget)

  • regular UX site analysis (user-friendliness) + customizable with our programmers

  • SEO management as part of the monthly budget - regular keyword analysis, regular monitoring of the results of major key links in Collabim and other tools, content creation using our in-house copywriters, reporting

  • Analysis and monitoring of competition in all markets

  • Possibility to modify feeds for higher performance (custom labels, division of assortment into ABC products)

Demo Img 1

Pricing for our services is very individual. Each client has different needs and priorities, therefore budgets also differ. 

Flat-rate campaign management  1450 CZK/hour without VAT
One-off projects, adjustments, or consultations 1990 CZK/hour without VAT
Online marketing lectures 1990 CZK/hour without VAT


Online marketing is not a one-time adjustment, unlike, for example, IT modifications of the website, and therefore we sincerely recommend a monthly hour credit, thanks to which we have the opportunity to tune campaigns and adapt to the latest trends and your priorities throughout the whole year.

* The PPC credit is paid by the client, it is not part of the hourly rate or package. We start our services at 10 hours per month. We always invoice retrospectively on the first day of the following month. We are VAT payers.

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