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How to build an online brand

Building a lovebrand is a dream of many  companies. But in today’s online era, you don’t need to own a store and a lot of employees who work there. You can do everything online. And that has its specifics which we are going to present in the article.


Branding and competition

Start by understanding your competition. It’s going to help you differentiate your brand and target the right part of the market. This is what competitor analysis is for. You should gather all the necessary data to be able to predict the next move of your competitors. In marketing theory, the phrase: "Be different or die" is used with exaggeration. (Zamazalová, 2010)

And what to focus on? See what kind of products and services they offer, explore their communication style, design, values ​​and much more. Over all, focus on how they visualize their brand and how you can differentiate yourself from them.


Marketing Mix and branding

Another step is to share your content on various social platforms. In the beginning, choose two platforms in which you are going to invest your energy and time. Use one platform for longer content, there you can share, for instance, the values and purpose of your brand – YouTube videos, blog articles, etc. The second platform should be for shorter content where you interact regularly with your followers and start building relationships with them. That can be, for example, TikTok, Instagram, or Facebook, which are based on a community approach. Don't forget to define your target group and create a persona. We wrote about it in the previous article.


Storytelling and brand building

Storytelling is essential for building a closer relationship with a potential customer. Reveal the human side behind your brand. It's about showing emotion and telling a story that turns random "passers-by" into your customers. Besides that, you can use the stories of your regular customers in the form of references. It's not only a great way to have more content that you don't have to create yourself, but it’s proof to your potential customers that the products you offer have a satisfied owner.



Stand out with a brand name

If you want to stand out on the internet and not be just another brand on the market, it is important to create a unique brand name. Coming up with something truly original may not be easy at first, but it is necessary to build your business. You must get people to notice you. First of all, create as many names as possible, do not correct the names in any way, and just leave your imagination to do the job. For that, you can use, for example, the Business name Generator.


Whatever industry you decide to build a brand in, always keep these few rules in mind. It’s going to make the difficult start full of competition much easier for you. We are more than happy to help you with branding, as well as with setting up marketing from scratch

Resources: Giddens, Brand storytelling, Online business

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