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How to enter abroad? Adapted for e-shops.

"Why should I sell abroad? I don't even have a 100% share of the local market yet, it doesn't make sense"

This can happen in your meeting, but we know that thinking like this is not appropriate for a growing company that wants to maximize sales, and profit and encourage diversification of revenue sources.

How to enter the foreign market?

There are different strategies for internationalization, or selling outside your local market.

  1. Direct export 
    • you sell and ship products on your own. You accept orders at your e-shop.
  2. Indirect export 
    • vyhledáte si partnery, kteří vaše produkty budou za určitou marži produkty prodávat prostřednictvím svého řešení. Produkty ale pořád balíte a posíláte po jedné objednávce. 
  3. Licensing
    • you sell consent or license to sell and represent your products
  4. Franchise
    • again selling your processes, brand and practices to someone who will represent you abroad (typically McDonald
  5. A strategic alliance 
    • you will combine strength with the competition and thus increase your audience of potential customers, typical, for example, of large corporations that decide to share the costs of developing a technology or product (in our case, for example, to localize your product for a given market)
  6. Joint ventures 
    • establishment of a new entity under the banner of two companies, which subsequently share profits or dividends. But success also lies in finding synergies.
  7. Mergers & Acquisitions 
    • a merger occurs when one company "absorbs" another with all employees, customers and processes. In short - sometimes it pays to buy a local company in the market you want to enter.
  8. Green Field 
    • building your own company headquarters with a local production/storage hall. Everything is handled locally.

How to do customer service abroad?

Customer service is a very important part of successful sales abroad. There are only 2 solutions to solve this problem. One option is an in-house specialist with perfect knowledge of the given language (e.g. Hungarian). However, this is not always easy to solve from a personal point of view. The second option is an agency, to which you can leave phone calls, complaints and advice to.

Logistics to foreign markets

Shipping orders abroad can be quite expensive if you do not have small and especially light products. At this point, you need to do a little research, call your local carriers and find out if you have any margin left after deducting the shipping costs.

Which products to send abroad?

For most companies, it is not worthwhile to translate and sell the entire range that they offer on the local market, and therefore it is advisable to carefully analyze the range and thereby ensure the maximum effectiveness of the expansion.

How to handle reclamation from abroad?

Dealing with complaints is an integral part of the expansion, which many sellers overlook and solve the problem only when an angry customer shouts at them because, for example, his complaint was not acknowledged or the company forgot to refund him. Before starting the expansion, it is advisable to set up certain processes that eliminate the potential risks associated with reverse logistics, i.e. returning products back to the local warehouse for a claim assessment or returning the product within the legal period.

If you want to prepare a strategy for your expansion, do not hesitate to contact us. The e-shops we manage to ship to up to 6 markets at once and we know which one is right for you.

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