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Why send newsletters? Increase your company's profit with them!

Sending newsletters may seem pointless if you don't have hundreds of thousands of contacts, but the opposite is true. Even a few dozen contacts are enough to increase profit and improve customer relations. Let's see what these newsletters are actually for.

Why send newsletters?

  • You reach out to your customer database and remind yourself

  • You have the opportunity to offer promotional products, which increases sales at a very low cost

  • You let customers know that you have new products in your range

  • News - what's new in your company or store

  • Let people know your blog - articles can make opt-ins easier and increase conversion rates

  • Recruit new colleagues using email

Is sending newsletters for our company?

Before planning the calendar, it is advisable to answer the following questions:

a) do we have enough products for you to send people promotions, news restocking or any price changes?

b) do we have interesting content that your customers might be interested in?

c) do we have the time capacity to create newsletters?

If you meet all three criteria, we strongly recommend you

How often to send newsletters?

The frequency of sending newsletters is the alpha and omega of any successful marketer. Nowhere is it written what frequency is recommended for the fashion category, for example. It is always recommended to test - until you send dozens of emails, you won't find out much. Once you do, you can check the metrics and use them to judge whether it's worth it. We'll talk more about the metrics below.

In general, we dare to say that it does not make sense to send newsletters more often than once a week. But there are companies that send a newsletter only quarterly, and the benefit is greater than if they sent 4 times a month (not to mention the costs of creating the newsletter and managing contacts).

How to choose a suitable tool for sending emails?

A newsletter tool is absolutely critical to the success of newsletters. Sending mass emails from your address is unacceptable, so it is important to choose a reliable partner. We dare to say that the best choice is a local company that can deliver to all types of local addresses, because foreign tools, such as MailChimp, can be attractive with a favourable price, but the deliverability of emails is not so famous. As we already mentioned, we have the most experience with the local company Smart emailing, which provides interesting templates for content creation, so creating the first newsletter is not that difficult. Many of our clients also use Ecomail.cz, which is very similar, but we dare not say which is better or worse. It is important to choose a tool that will work with your CRM system in order to create an automatic conversion of new email addresses. Updating the database manually is hell.. :)

How to measure the contribution of newsletters?

Thank goodness we're online! Measuring almost any campaign today is not difficult at all, but you need to look at the right metrics. When sending emails, we took the liberty of pointing out the following basic metrics: 

  • Open rate - the ratio between people who received the email and those who actually opened it

  • The number of delivered emails - the ratio between the number of addresses you have in the database minus the delivered emails

  • Unsubscribe rate - the rate of people who unsubscribe (mostly due to irrelevant offers or too high a frequency)

  • Conversion rate - the ratio between people who clicked through to the website from the newsletter and those who actually bought

    • in Google analytics it is very easy to deduce what value the newsletters brought - was its traffic? Sales?

The conversion rate should be higher than other sources since you are working with your customers, but it is still important to monitor the metrics because you can quickly find out that the content you send to customers is not at all interesting. Strategy is key here, none of us wants to throw money out the window and waste precious time,' which is why it is advisable to consult the plan before sending the first email.

Our company has many years of experience in sending emails and we know what types of newsletters work for customers. Use our services and increase the probability of your e-shop's success.

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